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Brand Image Perception


In this section, we try to find out what comes to the mind of our consumers when we say the word –INTEL.


We let them say just about anything that comes to mind - we got some of the expected responses (products that they relate to), positive qualities (in abundance), marketing activities (that left an impression on them), a few negative qualities (room for improvement for Intel) and a few interesting keywords that left us thinking and make for good insights/takeaways.


We represent all this via a categorized MENTAL MAP:

Product Related

Not surprisingly, many respondents responded with the word ‘computers’. The customer’s first contact connection with the brand is the computer/laptop (the very visible branding most likely has a large role to play in this regard). However, most MacBook users are not aware that their laptops are powered by Intel (Apple does not allow the Intel sticker to be placed on their products).


Desirable Quotes

This was the best section to analyze. Hearing a lot of praise for your brand will surely make anyone happy. To be known for Intelligence, Innovation, Speed, Performance and Dependability is what Intel strives for, and as can be seen via our survey analysis – it has achieved success in establishing this. They say Intel is ‘Ubiquitous’ – it is at the heart of our devices. One consumer responded saying ‘Seal of Approval’ and this is exactly what we want for our brand – we want Intel to be a key purchase-decision influencer for all devices.


Marketing that Ticks 

Clearly our most loved and accepted slogan has been ‘Intel Inside’ – this sticks with our consumers in more ways than one – it embodies the deeper meaning that ‘it is what is inside that counts’. This powerful thought has been beautifully captured via various marketing activities such as print and media ads. Taking this to the next level is Intel’s partnership with Futbol Club Barcelona (FCB). This association with an extremely popular sport and showcasing that ‘it’s what’s inside sportspersons that counts’ resonates well with our consumer who responded with ‘Barcelona’.


Undesirable Quotes 

These are thoughts that no brand would want its consumers to associate it with: boring, serious, not creative. In spite of being part of an albeit dull/lack luster industry, Intel has always tried to move beyond the stereotype and project itself as a very relevant and happening brand. However there are some who we have not been able to please (apparently). We need to strategize around Intel’s B2C marketing. Also, another cause of concern is the fact that we have too many sub-products for which there is complex and confusing nomenclature. More intuitive and consumer-friendly sub-product names is worth giving a thought to.


Interesting Observations

Here, we encounter 2 responses that say ‘Hidden’ or ‘Just There’. Both these are not encouraging at all. Either we are not visible to the naked eye and the performance of our consumer’s devices is contributed to other hardware/software components or that they are indifferent to our presence. No brand wants to be in such a situation. We want to stand out. We want to make a difference in our end-consumers lives and be a key consideration factor in their purchase decisions.

If our consumers were in a relationship with Intel, they would think of Intel as either their colleague or close friend. From here we have 2 takeaways. First is that Intel is viewed by most in a working environment context and as a partner in their professional lives. We want Intel to be thought of outside of work as well – breaking the ‘serious’ notion – more like a way of life. The second is that people feel close and attached to our brand. That is great and we definitely want that to continue and build on that.


The user experience of our product performance does not make us feel ecstatic. The majority rates us as ‘functional’ (3 out of 5) or above par (4 out of 5). We want what we deliver to our consumer to be the best, to be awesome. Only then will we be a buying-decision influencer and only then will our presence be a deal-maker for the device in consideration.

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