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Takeaways from the Brand Frenzy Workshop


Exercise 1


Objective: To define our brand in 3 words


Process: We started by banning 4 words that are commonly attached to our brand/our competitors/our industry. So we banned Reliability, Power, Performance and Speed.


Takeaway:  We came up with the 3 words for our brand which we will use as the slogan for our new brand marketing campaign - Intelligent Heartware Connectivity. The main takeaway was that we were conscious of steering away from the serious/boring/lacking creativity image (according to our quantitative survey analysis) and from the stereotypical ‘banned’ words. We wanted to launch ourselves in a new direction – of not only being present ‘Inside’ but more importantly being ‘Outside’, i.e. by looking towards the future, caring about our end-consumers’ emotions and building connectivity across the world.


Exercise 2


Objective: To identify what we HATE as a brand


Process: We listed a lot of words that we would not want our brand to be associated with. From there, we could easily identify what we believe in and what we want to stand for/be known for.


Takeaway: During this exercise while scooping out what all we hate as brand managers we found it easy to transition into what we do LOVE. Our top 3 hate words were: Complacency, Mediocrity and Indifference. We realised that our brand currently may be guilty of some of these traits, especially with respect to our current brand image and connectivity with end-consumers. Thus our belief is to be the ‘Heart of Technology’ because we want to bring the Lifeless to Life!


Exercise 3


Objective: To divide the world into who we are for and who we are against.


Process: We made long lists of who we as brand managers are for and who we are against.


Takeaway: The primary learning from this exercise was that we realised that identifying who we are against is as important if not more as knowing who we are for (since this will keep us in check at all times when creating our new brand marketing strategy). From our many options, we narrowed down to: We are for ‘Everyone with a dream, no matter big or small’ and we are against ‘The Lifeless’.


Exercise 4


Objective: To identify the cause our brand stands for


Process: We made a list of slogans that we thought would be apt to put on placards if we held a rally to tell the world about our cause.    


Takeaway: Our takeaway was that henceforth whatever we do as brand managers for Intel, be it product innovation or marketing campaigns, we are aligned to our fundamental cause which is ‘Seamless Life for Endless Dreams’.

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