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Market Performance Perception


Intel's performance rating scale on: Servers, Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Smartphones, Gaming, Automobile, Medical, Retail, Energy


Intel’s strong perceived market presence in the laptop, desktop and server segments reflect Intel’s brand marketing excellence in these three segment areas. On a scale of 1 to 5, the laptop segment received the highest rating of 4.43, followed by the desktop segment that managed to receive a high rating of 4.37, and the server segment which caters more for B2B, also received a good rating of 3.90.


Considering the fact that Intel’s push for its brand marketing for these computers was strongest since it started in the 1990s, up until today, the marketing campaign has helped create a perception of ubiquity for Intel’s microprocessor products. Today, based on the survey that we have gathered, almost every consumer and prospective users of laptops or desktops perceives Intel as a part or present in those products.


It is very interesting to note, that even though Intel is not found in most tablets, in fact, Intel can only be found in Asus Fonepad which was just released this year (2014), people’s perception that Intel can be found in tablets ranks highest next after the big three. The tablet segment has a rating of 3.31, a score higher than the gaming segment wherein Intel do has a real market presence, with a rating of only 3.17. What can be inferred from this is that since tablets are closely associated with computing devices such as laptops and desktops, people may have assumed that Intel indeed must be also a component in the tablets. It can be attributed to the strong marketing and brand awareness of Intel in technological products that people may have subconsciously tied Intel with such devices. This is something that as Intel brand managers, may look into, to leverage on this key strength to help improve its low perception in less-related technological products: retail, energy, medical and automobile segments.


Since Intel was late in going into the smartphone segments, wherein it is also concretized through the survey that it only received a 2.63 rating, Intel must look beyond what is already current today. Ultimately, that relates to the future, which is the Internet of Things. IOT comprise of not just the very technological but also the less-related technological segments as mentioned earlier. With this very important information in hand, that most people still are not aware or do not perceive Intel as also being present in the retail, energy, medical and automobile segments, this is what the focus of Intel brand managers should be. Since in the end, these are the new areas that Intel will be targeting moving forward and leaping ahead.


Below is the table of the results of the ratings and presented as a bar graph for better comparison and contrast:

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