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User 4: Andy C.


User Characteristic: B2C

IT Application Requirements: Graphics-Intensive Games



Brief Bio


Andy is a 30-year-old man who has a loving wife and son of 3 years old. He considers himself as a very good family man. He currently works at the Research Division of Advanced Systems Automation Ltd. His values are grounded in humility and integrity while his passion includes research (something that has to do with good science topics), and his hobbies are playing the guitar, reading and gaming.



In Conversation With


As a gamer who deals with a lot of technical and electronic devices in PCs, mobile and all sort of stuffs, he considers his savvy in technology to be at a rating of 7 out of 10. He considers solar energy as the biggest technological innovation as of to date! Although the most complex device that he believes he uses everyday would be PCs – computers mainly with the brand Sony, Asus and After Shock. He uses it for an average of 2-3 hours per day. The most vital piece of hardware for him in electronic devices is the graphics card, in laptop/desktop PCs are the processors, in smartphones and tablets are the RAM.


When asked further what he thinks of the brand Intel, his answer:

"Most powerful."


A typical day for Andy is quoted as such using his words, “I usually get up early and I listen to music straight away using my mobile phone. I would keep listening up until I get into my car driving to the office. With the ease of technology right now, I just connect my mobile phone using Bluetooth to my car’s radio and boom! Out comes the awesome music that gets me pumped up for the day! When I reach my office, I use my office desktop all day for a long time. At the end of a day’s hard work, I come home to my beautiful family, spend quality time with them and of course allot some ‘relax time’ for myself by playing games using my personal laptop.”


When asked about the role of Intel in Andy’s life, his response was simply, “Amid all my interactions with technology, I think Intel’s products have quite an impact in my daily life! One product that stands out though are Intel’s microprocessors, which I rate as 6 out of 10 in terms of significance in my daily life.”


Lastly, when asked what words come to mind when he thinks of Intel, his answer was short and sweet, “Semiconductor processors and efficiency”; and when asked further what he thinks of the brand Intel, his answer, “Most powerful”.



Consumer-Brand Relationship Form


In terms of consumer-brand relationship forms, Andy can be classified as having a relationship form of Marriage of Convenience. It is characterized by a long-term, committed relationship precipitated by environmental influence versus deliberate choice, in Andy’s case, him being a family man who is committed and is used to the environment and world he lives in, has influenced positively his affinity to Intel’s products.

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