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Strategy Exploration


Based on our research, we came up with 5 strategies and rated them on the following 5 parameters, each parameter having equal weightage (20%):


  • Sustainability

  • Originality

  • Growth Potential

  • Acceptability

  • Feasibility








Portable Computing Devices


Portable computing devices could be a potential improvement area as Intel has not yet tapped into this market. There is definitely high scope here as proved by other competitors like Qualcomm who are pretty much dominant in this space. As a result, entering this market has high sustainability, growth potential and acceptability but fares low on originality and feasibility as the competitors have clearly made full use of the first mover advantage, giving this option an overall weighted average of 5.0.


Internet of Things (IoT):


Of all the possible options for improvement strategies, we found Internet of Things (IoT) having the highest weighted average (7.8). Even though IoT seems to be driven primarily by mobile devices such as hand phones, touch pads etc. and considering the fact that Intel does not have a presence in this market, Intel can look to take a lead ahead by getting into the devices belonging to the outer circle of the ecosystem (air conditioners, security systems etc.) which would enable hand held devices to talk to these devices and also control them. No one company can create the IoT. The Intel ecosystem could provide the hardware, software, tools, systems integration, and network and cloud infrastructure needed to accelerate development and deployment of solutions that deliver intelligence from thing to cloud.


Specialized Applications in Gaming Industry:


Another improvement strategy could be for Intel to expand its presence in the gaming industry. As Singapore is becoming a Gaming Hub lately, Intel could stick to its core competencies and start targeting gamers in particular to increase its market share. This is highly sustainable, acceptable and feasible, but does not fare high in originality. Growth potential is pretty much neutral as the gaming industry is pretty gamers are very cautious about compatibility with other components and it is pretty hard to gauge how they would react to this extension, giving this option an overall weighted average of 6.2.


Wearable Devices:


As the wearable devices are gaining more and more popularity these days, this could be another market into which Intel could move. Wearable devices are pretty new and hence rate pretty high on originality, potential growth and feasibility due to the first mover advantage, but not very high on sustainability and acceptance as the customer’s reaction could go either ways, giving this option an overall weighted average of 6.2.




If we were to really think into the futuristic growth options for Intel, Robots will be the first word to come to our minds. The level of originality and growth potential is high but does not seem to fare high on sustainability, acceptance and feasibility because this is something that is way ahead of its time and hence customers may not accept in the near future which calls feasibility and sustainability into question in return, giving this option an overall weighted average of 5.4.

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