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User 6: Anurag Rajesh


User Characteristic: B2C

IT Application Requirements: Document processing and data storage


Brief Bio


Anurag is an Associate Director in KPMG Singapore’s Risk Consulting Practice. He has over 10 years of experience in Business Process reviews, IT audits, Contract Compliance audits, SOX Advisory and SAS 70 projects. Prior to KPMG Singapore, he has worked in the KPMG New York and New Delhi offices. He has also conducted Sarbanes Oxley compliance reviews for several financial, pharmaceutical and manufacturing clients in the US, UK and Japan.


Currently he is working as a lead advisor for large Software publishers like Microsoft, IBM and Siemens to assist them in conducting Software License Compliance reviews at some of the largest organizations in the world. As a part of these engagements, Anurag and his team are required to analyze the IT Infrastructure and Software usage at various customers. Anurag is a Certified Information Systems Auditor and also has a Masters in Information Systems Management. Given his academic background and his experience in the IT field, he has sound knowledge of various technologies as well as the high tech market which is why we interviewed Anurag for this particular survey.



In Conversation With


The interview was divided into 2 sections. In the first section, we focused on general technology related questions, and in the second section we asked specific brand related questions.


"Over 80% of Leading Global Organizations rely on Intel based server technologies!"


When we asked Anurag about the impact of technology in his day to day life, we got an interesting answer. While technology played a significant role in his professional life, the impact of technology in his personal life was relatively less. However we realized that even though he had to deal with several technologies in his day to day work, personally he wanted to use minimum products but of the best technology. From his experience he mentioned that over 80% of leading global organizations today rely on Intel based server technologies to run their Datacenters. Additionally, he mentioned that a majority of his peers, including him, prefered Intel based PC/Laptops for home use. When asked about the most significant technological innovation, his response was "Wireless Communication Technologies". We realized that even though this was not the same industry as our brand, Anurag had a strong understanding of the Technology sector which made us believe that his comments would be based on real life experiences and facts.


"Intel's Reliability, Performance and Speed makes it the market leader in Professional and Household segment"


In the second section, when asked specific questions about Intel as a brand and as a product, we were pleased to know that Intel was Anurag's first choice both at work and at home. As a technology consultant to global organizations that run mission critical systems, Anurag's extremely high opinion of Intel's reliability and speed was a strong indication of why Intel is a market leader in this industry. Given that he had only used Intel based devices at home was the icing on the cake. When asked about price sensitivity towards Intel products, he was extremely clear that the loss to businesses due to technical failure was much higher as compared to the incremental value that they would pay for the hardware. Even at home, the reliability of Intel products increased the longevity of PC/Laptops thereby providing more value to the end user. To sum it up, he was of the opinion that as far as technological devices are concerned, Reliability, Performance and Speed are the most important aspects and hence take precedence over pricing considerations.



Consumer-Brand Relationship Form


Anurag and Intel share a "Best Friendships" type of relationship. It is clear from Anurag's responses that Intel is the heart of all businesses. It is hard to see any activity in daily life that does not have Intel in the backend (directly or indirectly). This is a kind of relationship wherein even though Anurag might not think of Intel everyday, he knows that Intel always has his back.



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