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User 1: Venkat


User Characteristic: B2B

IT Application Requirements: Document processing and data storage



Brief Bio


Venkat currently works at Maersk Logistics Singapore as the IT Project Manager where he is mainly in charge of the various IT assignments in the company relating to technology, server, service desk escalations and purchase of IT items such as laptops and desktop PCs.


Venkat is 36 years old and single. In his spare time, he likes to travel around the world and attend the various IT fairs held in Singapore.



In Conversation With


Being an IT manager in his profession, he deals with IT related issues on a daily basis. Based on the dealing he has with IT and technology, I would rate him a 9 on a scale of 10 of being a technology savvy person.


Venkat thinks that the greatest technological innovation in his lifetime is the GPS because of its function. With GPS, he believes people no longer needs to be afraid going to foreign places. The most complex device he has ever encountered would be the WSO2 Inc. server. In terms of electronic devices, Venkat feels that RAM and speed are the two most vital components that affects his purchase decision.


Venkat feels that the Intel brand has a strong brand equity that is widely known by anyone that uses a computer. Nevertheless, because they are in a B2B segment, it may take longer time for brand awareness to take effect to reach the customer. Having said that, he agrees that Intel has played a big role in our lives, including our daily interactions with electronics such as PCs and smartphones.


"In Intel, he thinks that they are a smart tool that conveys superior performance"



Consumer-Brand Relationship Form


Venkat’s relationship with Intel can be characterized as a Committed Partnership.


Such a partnership is defined as being “long-term, voluntarily imposed and is socially supported” as characterized by Venkat's career inspiration working as an IT manager. His dedication towards his work is shown by his enthusiasm and committed relationship towards the things and innovations that he does.


Such a union is also “high in love, intimacy, trust and a commitment to stay together despite adverse circumstances. There is also a strong adherence to exclusivity rules that is expected.” This is demonstrated by his strong dedication towards the Intel brand, to remain loyal and stay committed to the brand in happiness and in sorrow. Forever and ever.

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