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If Intel were a person...


In this section of the survey, respondents were asked to assign human characteristics to the brand Intel. We also asked the respondents to assign demographics such as gender and age to this fictitious “Intel person”. All this was done to ascertain what kind of brand image did Intel currently project to its current customers and prospects.



The result shows dominance for male at 83% over female at 17%. We think the reason for this is due to the stereotypical perception that males are more technologically savvy than females. According to this result, Intel might need to come up with a specific brand positioning strategy that targets females if they want to change the perception of Intel as a gender.


In terms of age, the majority of the respondents think that Intel should be associated with a person whose age is between 21 to 35 years old and 36 to 50 years old. The result is expected given that as a market leader, Intel is omnipresent at industries and markets which are user- friendly to people of all ages.


The top 3 characteristics chosen by the respondents are Intelligent (21%), Reliable (17%) and Responsible (13%). This confirms Intel’s status as a firm that produces dependable, innovative and hi-tech hardware. Interestingly, Intel scored low in Seriousness which indicates that Intel products are not only for the workplace but also for fun.

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