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User 2: Mohd Muzammil


User Characteristic: B2B

IT Application Requirements: Aerospace Engineering Analysis / Design



Brief Bio


Muzammil is an IT Engineer by profession working for CSC, a global leader in the provision of technology enabled business solutions and services. CSC has been serving Singapore’s business and technology needs with IT outsourcing, systems design and integration, applications software development, Web and application hosting and management consulting since 1970. CSC Asia's headquarters is based in Singapore and provides clients with customized IT solutions based on a thorough understanding of their business processes and to assist businesses through the most complex IT transitions.


"We are one - I cannot live without my electronic devices!"


Muzammil is based at Pratt & Whitney’s Singapore Headquarters. Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, industrial gas turbines and space propulsion systems. Pratt & Whitney’s 36,000 employees support more than 11,000 customers in 195 countries around the world. The company’s large commercial engines power over 50 percent of the world's commercial airliners and its systems can be found on more than 90 percent of the world's aircraft. In Singapore, Pratt & Whitney operates 7 business units and is engaged in the repair and overhaul of aircraft engines and parts, as well as providing R&D services and parts supplies.


Muzammil is 46 years of age and is an IT Engineer by profession. He is a married father of 3 boys and is an avid bowler who used to participate actively in bowling competitions. He loves sports in general and is an avid follower of various sporting competitions and events.



In Conversation With


When Muzammil was first approached for this study, no mention was made of the genre or specific topic of discussion. This was to ensure an unbiased flow of information and ideas.


Muzammil rated himself and 8 out of a maximum score of 10 for tech savviness. He substantiated and qualified himself stating that his work as an IT engineer necessities that he be comfortable and competent working with IT-related products, and he believes that there is always more to learn.


A question was then asked as to what he felt was the greatest technological invention. Muzammil’s answer: “Silicon Semiconductor” surprised us as one would expect, a more commonplace and user-oriented reply such as “computer” or even “airplane”. In retrospect, such a reply could only be expected from an individual whose training and work allowed him to understand and appreciate the often understated value of silicon semiconductor devices that are often hidden in the background of fancy IT periphery.


Intel is "Reliable, Good Cooling Management, Flexible Configs."


Muzammil considers that his company’s (Pratt & Whitney’s) Hewlett Packard Servers are the most complex devices that he uses most often. Upon further deliberation, he also stated that his mobile, although not as complex as a server, was used on an even more frequent basis for work, family and other communication requirements. At the heart of each electronic device, he considers the Central Processing Unit (CPU) as the most vital piece of hardware.


When considering purchase options for a Laptop or PC, Muzammil would consider first and foremost the device’s CPU processing speed and the ease of usage of the device. However, when considering purchase options for tablets or smartphones, the size of the screen and the device’s operating system played the most in his mind.


Muzammil believes that a typical day of his would be highly dysfunctional without technology. In his own words, “We are one – I cannot live without my electronic devices”. He cites his usage of PCs, servers and smartphones in most aspects of his life, at work and at recreation, as well as all the other devices working silently in our environment that are important and that people often take for granted.


Lastly, a question was asked as to what Muzammil perceived of Intel as a brand and how much its products impact his daily life. Unflappably, he replied that he was very pro-intel and this view was a result of years of working with the brand and its products. He felt that Intel’s products could be characterized as reliable and had good cooling management. Such attributes enabled its products to be deployed in many flexible configurations, which was important during implementations, especially in large complex IT configurations. Due to the already large number of IT products in his life that use Intel chips, Muzammil would rate Intel’s impact on his life at 9 out of a maximum score of 10.



Consumer-Brand Relationship Form


Muzammil’s relationship with Intel can be characterized as a Committed Partnership.


Such a partnership is defined as being “long-term, voluntarily imposed and is socially supported” as characterized by Muzammil’s lifelong career in the IT industry as an IT engineer. His work in the IT industry supports his family and his support to the company (Pratt & Whitney) is vital to the company’s operations in the aerospace industry and is appreciated by many staff who seek his assistance.


Such a union is also “high in love, intimacy, trust and a commitment to stay together despite adverse circumstances. There is also a strong adherence to exclusivity rules that is expected.” This is demonstrated in this passion for the Intel brand when compared to other competing IT products and his steadfast adherence to the brand and its positive attributes. This is more notable considering that Intel’s products are usually priced above the market for similar products and this would mean that even at a price premium, Muzammil was willing to identify with and keep up his patronage of the brand.

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