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Did You Know?


Evolution of the name Pentium


In 1980s, Intel began developing a series of products (286, 386 and 486) named as an extension to the base 8086 chip.


As competitors started using the tag line ‘compatible with 486 processors’, Intel decided to go for a patent in order to avoid confusion and thus filed for a trademark for their processor chips. This was denied in US because series numbers could not be considered distinct and that they could not have a patent for the number.


To continue the naming pattern for their series of processor chips, Intel decided to launch the 586 processor by the name ‘Pentium’ (Pent – 5th generation, and ium – fundamental ingredient of a computer). This patent was in line with the slogan ‘Intel Inside’ and created a brand name for Intel which was leveraged upon to charge a premium based on the high perceived value.

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