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Customer Mindset


Customer Mindset

Since this survey was created to understand final consumer sentiments towards Intel, we decided to ask specific purpose-related questions to understand the customers’ mindset. We first tried to understand what factors influenced purchase decisions if individuals were to select a PC to play games. The four categories of responses are as shown below:

Most of the respondents rated Performance over Price. It can be safely inferred that majority of the respondents are pretty knowledgeable about the role of Performance in order to attain Lag Free experience. The portion of respondents that chose Price to Performance could be explained by the variety in background of our survey. This led us to our next question which was intended to understand the penetration of our brand in the minds of customers. In order to achieve this, we tried comparing our brand with a competition, AMD, and asked which processor would they choose for PC gaming.

The results were as expected. Intel scored a major chunk of the pie which made it pretty clear that Intel has a good level of penetration in terms of customers’ mindsets when rated for performance.


We then decided to understand the level of penetration that could be achieved in the untapped Mobile phone market. In order to achieve this, we first tried to filter out the portion of respondents that cared about the processors used in their Smartphones. More than 62% of the respondents cared more about the brand of the mobile phone rather than the type of processor inside. The remaining respondents were asked to choose which processor they preferred: ARM, Qualcomm, Samsung or Intel. 

To our surprise, even though Intel is not yet inside Smartphones, people prefer to have Intel inside. It is advisable to say that Intel can further leverage its brand name to enter into other untapped markets and create an entire value chain to achieve its goal of having a ubiquitous presence.

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